Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tensions arise between Rakesh and Hrithik Roshan

Rakesh Roshan and son Hrithik Roshan have not spoken to each other since almost
a month now and the reason is Hrithik’s closeness to Barbari Mori and tensions
with his wife Sussanne. Rakesh loves his daughter-in-law very dearly and has
made it clear to his son that no harm must be done to her. He also said he will
have nothing to do with Hrithik if the son does not mend his ways. The tension
between them has percolated to the sets of their upcoming movie Kites.

A source says, “The cracks in the father-son relationship have been visible for
quite some time now, to everyone on the sets of Kites. They are having
professional differences too. While Rakesh Roshan is known to be a good
director, Hrithik seems to have his own take on Kites and has ignored his dad’s
counsel a few times. The film is being edited and everyone wants his own say.

Hrithik and his wife Sussanne have been staying at a five-star hotel in Juhu for over three weeks now.


Their reason for not living at home because it is being treated for termites. But a leading newspaper spoke to many termite control companies and all said that every treatment can take maximum of 24 hours. With latest treatment being odourless and safe for kids, pregnant ladies, old people, people with asthma difficulties as well all types of domestic pets.

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