Deepika Padukone debuted with Shahrukh Khan in ‘Om Shanti Om’. Though she has climbed many stairs in her filmy career, she does not fill self sufficient. She wants some more of Shahrukh Khan, her first co-star. Shahrukh played an important part in shaping Deepika’s career. Being a first timer, it is always important that her co-stars should feel her relaxed and in this regard SRK helped her lot to make her comfortable when she first faced the camera for a film.
Her craze for SRK can be measured from the fact that whenever she finds Shahrukh, she repeats the same dialogue from ‘Om Shanti Om’ where she played Shantipriya and Shahrukh Khan portrayed the role of Om Kapoor.
Deepika quips, "While Shah Rukh was talking, all I did was sit and listen. This always happens to me! Every time I think I'm going to meet him I feel I have so much to say. Then I take one look at him and blank out!"
Well, King Khan is one of the finest actors of Bollywood and we can understand Deepika’s feeling.
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