Entrepreneur Robert Vadra walked for his childhood designer friend Ashish Soni at the Van Heusen India Men's Week where the designer flaunted 70’s collection. The three day grand event comes to an end with Soni’s 70’s inspired collection. Vadra was seen seated with his son Raihan in the first row, clapping and cheering for Soni’s collection.
When asked what inspired Robert Vadra to walk the ramp for Soni, Vadra said, "I would like to believe so. It was an inspiring collection there. I don't attend many shows but I had to come for Ashish. He is such a talent. Given a choice I would love to buy every piece out there."
When asked whereabouts his wife, Priyanka, he said: "She is relaxing at home. She is not really interested in coming to fashion shows."
Vadra was a surprise guest of the event as he was not normally seen in fashion shows. His surprise entry shocked all and at the same time he stole all the limelight.
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