Akshay Kumar has made a secret pledge to himself. As soon as the first copy of his retro-homage to the 1970s Action Replayy is complete the first person who will watch the film is his father-in-law Rajesh Khanna.
Arrangements have already been made for the special screening sometime next week. Akshay has clearly told his partner and director-friend Vipul Shah that no one should get to see Action Replayy before Rajesh Khanna.
Ever since Akshay Kumar could remember he has been the hugest fan of Rajesh Khanna. And now the reclusive Khanna has been coaxed out of his ivory tower to view his son-in-law’s latest film which pays a homage to the decade when Rajesh Khanna ruled.
Says Akshay Kumar, “As a kid I was the biggest Rajesh Khnana fan.Who wasn’t his fan in the 1970s?I remember queuing up for hours to watch Aradhana, Amar Prem, Kati Patang. These are among my favorite films of all times.”
Interestingly Akshay married his idol’s daughter in real life.
Marvels Akshay, “Look at what destiny had in store for me I married my idol’s daughter! I still can’t believe it.”
Convincing the reclusive Khanna wasn’t easy. Says Akshay, “But I was determined that he watches the film. The film is set in the era that belongs to my father-in-law. I am so proud of being part of the family now. Yes, Mr Khanna will be the first person to watch the film. I’m determined about that.”
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