When there is Amitabh Bachchan the rare things happen and the 57th National Award held in Delhi was no different. A very formal function where each recipients of the award are there because of their excellent performance in the field of cinema showed their admiration and respect for Mr. Amitabh Bachchan, when he went up to the stage to collect the Best Actor award for the film Paa.
All the delegates and the audience present at the ceremony gave the man a standing ovation, which is a rarity in such a function. This was Mr. Bachchan’s fourth National award, third as the Best Actor. He was first felicitated with the National Award for Best Newcomer for his debut film in Saat Hindustani (1969). The next National Award for Best Actor award was received by Big B for Agneepath (1990). The third one was for Black (2005).
Paa not only received Best Actor award where Mr. Bachchan played the role of a 12-year-old boy suffering from progeria but it also bagged the Best Hindi Film Award while Arundhati Nag got the Best Supporting Actress Award for the film.
The entire Bachchan family was present at the show; even Amitabh’s daughter and son-in-law were present. It was not only a special moment for Mr. Bachchan as he received a standing ovation but as a father too, he was proud to see Abhishek receive the award for the Best Film for Paa from the president. The film was produced by Junior Bachchan under the AB Corp.
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