Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone were brought together by friends at a party recently. It was the first time the two former lovers were spotted together at a public event post their split.
The event was a party hosted by jewellery designer Maheep Kapoor and fashion designer Nandita Mahtani following a fashion show.
While both Ranbir and Deepika too came for the event, they avoided each other while being conscious of one another’s presence.
Finally, Karan Johar and Shabina took the initiative to bring the couple together. They were even supported by the rest of the crowd. All of them kept pushing Ranbir and Deepika towards each other.
Finally the couple were forced to sit at the same table and subsequently Deepika and Ranbir got into a conversation. They reportedly drove off from the party together in Ranbir’s car.
Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor parted ways last October and there were rumors that Deepika and Ranbir have broken up never to comeback in each other’s company. However, the recent news has surprised many. Now, it seems that both Deepika and Ranbir are trying to re-unite once again.
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