Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi, has time and again showed that he is a very kindhearted man and can go to any extent to help the needy people. Recently, the actor has reportedly offered a house to an old homeless lady.
A source close to the actor was quoted saying that Vivek has experienced lots of positive vibes in life through charity works, so he is just extending his horizons. His family had taken an initiative to support the underprivileged women and children in Vrindavan. He has always come forward to help the needy people, for instance, during the dreaded Tsunami case. During this crisis time, Vivek had extended his helping hand to support many deserted families in the storm-affected areas.
The source added that when the actor learnt that an old woman needs a shelter desperately, he came forward immediately to offer a home to this homeless lady.
There is no doubt that this is a praiseworthy step taken by the actor and the lady must be blessing her with all her heart and soul. Such blessings from people might have helped the actor to find his lady love Priyanka, with whom he is tying the knot in October. Hope this helps him professionally too, as his trilingual film Rakta Charitra is also going to release soon!
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