Deepika Padukone made a tremendous entry into Bollywood with the highly acclaimed movie Om Shanti Om, where she was paired opposite the Badshah of Bollywood Shahrukh Khan.
Actress Deepika Padukone never got a reason to look back into her professional life. So far she has been a part of some of the much appreciated films like Love Aaj Kal, Bachna Ae Haseeno, Housefull and many more.
Deepika Padukone’s upcoming films include Break Ke Baad opposite Imran Khan and Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Say opposite Junior Bachchan. Deepika has grown with each film and has proved that she can easily step in any type of role.
After portraying different types of role, the actress has now revealed that Deepika Padukone would love to do some negative roles.
Deepika Padukone says that portraying a positive role is not that difficult, this is mainly because once you are on the big screen the audience will automatically have the sympathy for you as you happen to be on the positive side.
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