Word has it that the Saifeena duo are upset about Ajay Devgan’s upcoming film Toonpur ka Superhero. In the film, Ajay plays a filmi hero who is trying to become a real hero in the eyes of his son. A particular episode in the film also depicts a scene from Omkara (which Ajay, Saif and Kareena were part of).
In this particular episode, where animated Saif and Kareena are also shown -Saif is actually sporting a tattoo bearing Kareena’s name on his left forearm. Although, during the shooting of Omkara, Kareena was still dating Shahid.
It seems it was Ajay’s idea to include this scene in the film just to add to the humour (as if the existing toons weren’t enough!)
This ill humourous Ajay’s idea is not sitting well with the duo, although they want to wait until the film unravels.
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