The Bollywood movie directed by ace director Sudhir Mishra titled Tera Kya Hoga Johnny is certainly not proving to be quite lucky for the producers.
The film which has been completed since the last two years was
supposed to release on New Year’s Eve this year and there had been quite
a talk about the great storyline in the film which had basically four
stories conjoined together.
However recent reports doing the rounds suggest that the film has
been indefinitely postponed. Now the reason being cited according to
some reports are that the film makers do not want to take a chance with
the film now as times are not quite favorable for most films.
Well with the holiday season just in and quite a number of films
released there certainly has not been a very happy scene at the box
office for most of the flicks released in recent times, barring a few of
Thus, since Tera Kya Hoga Johnny has an unusual storyline and has a
child actor as the protagonist who is a tea seller on the streets of
Mumbai, which cannot be called a fully commercially viable one, the film
makers are not in the mood to take any chances with this one.
The movie has debutant actor Shahana Goswami etc. and Soha Ali Khan playing the protagonists.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tera Kya Hoga Johnny: Postponed till favorable times come along
Posted by bollyworld4u on 10:56 AM
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