On the other hand Aamir Khan has the reputation of taking over the job of the director, editor even when he is just casted as an actor in a film. Akshay Kumar on the other had has for a long has been busy using scissor in films and has got the reputation of chopping the roles of co-actors. Now it is Saif Ali Khan’s turn to use the scissor and the head the editing room for ‘Agent Vinod’.
The film has been directed by Sriram Raghavan, an action flick produced by Saif and also has his lady love Kareena Kapoor in it. As Sririam has confirmed the news that Siaf has made 5-6 cuts with the assistant editor and Sriram is MIA from the editing room, the actor has stated sarcastically something else. Saifu has not denied the buzz and went on to say that he is indeed messing around and since he owns the office no one can throw him out.
So in spite of Sriram is the captain of the ship Saif is inside the editing room and no one should tell the director about it. On the other hand Raghavan has gone on record to say he is “intrigued and amused” to see what Saif ends up with eventually after editing the flick ‘Agent Vinod’.
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