Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan turned 69 yesterday and he preferred to celebrate the big day with his family. Big B was quoted saying that he is not celebrating the day with any kind of Birthday bash as he just wants to spend it quietly with family.
Whenever we talk about this legendary actor, his unique baritone voice reverberates in our ears. All India Radio, once rejected this voice, which has now become the sole source of earning for several mimic artists. His unique voice is copied by many in several commercials to fetch money.
In all these years, Big B has never given a serious thought on this issue. But now, the actor wants to copyright his voice so that no one can misuse it.
The megastar was quoted saying that he was not aware of misuse of his voice and thus leading to a lot of corruption. Amitabh said that he is thinking to employ the laws of the country to prevent misuse of his voice and he is in the process of doing that.
If Big B takes this step seriously then lots of mimic artists will come under the hammer of law and maybe they will need to look for an alternative option to earn bread and butter for their family!
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