Shahid Kapoor has emerged as one of the best dancing heroes in Bollywood now. So, he has been reportedly approached to team up with another young sensational hero Ranbir Kapoor in the latter’s first world tour. But, Shahid has reportedly said that he would not be able to take part in this event due to some prior commitments.
Shahid’s spokesperson was quoted saying that the actor is being approached for the world tour with Ranbir repeatedly, but he has refused it due to the release of his upcoming movie Mausam and shooting for Sajid Khan’s next.
Mohammed Morani of ‘Cineyug’, the organizer of Ranbir’s world tour, was quoted saying that they have approached Shahid for the tour, but are still to get a reply from the actor. Morani added that they are expecting a positive nod from Shahid for the world tour, which is to take place during June-July 2011.
Shahid has shown his dancing skills in movies like Kismat Konnection, his debut film Ishq Vish, Chance Pe Dance and Dil Maange More. So, if he could join Ranbir Kapoor on the stage, then the audience can expect a double ‘Kapoor dhamaka’.
For now, Ranbir is getting the company of two Bollywood leading ladies Priyanka Chopra and Katrina Kaif.
So we can keep our fingers crossed as the organizers are still claiming to get a ‘yes’ reply from Shahid!
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