Bollywood star Shahid Kapoor has been approached by two renowned female filmmakers Deepa Mehta and Mira Nair. But the actor is in a great dilemma because both the filmmakers can’t see eye to eye so Shahid is bound to choose any one of them.
Both directors have offered Shahid very powerful and role-driven scripts and it will be a great achievement for him to work with any one of them. Now, it is left Shahid to make a choice between the two.
There is a report that Deepa has offered him a role in her Beeba Boyz and Meera has approached the actor with a role in her Reluctant Fundamentalist, which is a book adaptation of Mohsin Hamid. Deepa wants to cast him with Hollywood stunner Milla Jovovich in her next film, which is about a Punjabi gangster.
Shahid is in a fix because both the films are set for shooting at the same time. So, the actor is left with no other option but to pick any of the films.
A source was quoted saying that Deepa has chosen Shahid because of his boyish charm and the inherent ‘Punjabiyat’ in him, which is required for Beeba Boyz.
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