Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sanjay Dutt: Sheriff attaches property in Mumbai on court orders

Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt has been given a notice by the Mumbai High court to pay up a compensation of Rs.2.03 crores to producer Shakeel Noorani for leaving his film titled Jaan Ki Baazi half way through and neither giving back the signing amount of Rs.50 lakh paid to him nor giving suitable dates to complete the film.
The film was to be made way back in 2003. However as time passed and no response from Sanjay Dutt, the film maker had no option but to approach the IMPPA or the Indian Motion Picture Producers Association.
The film maker claimed that he wanted the signing amount given to the star along with Rs. 1.53 Crores as compensation. As per reports, the IMPPA had passed an award in the beginning of January this year specifying details that he should either give dates to the producer or refund the signing amount along with the additional compensation of Rs.1.53 crores.
Sanjay Dutt was not able to keep up with the directives of the IPPMA; strangely he did not take any action in challenging the award by the Association within the stipulated 90 days that was officially allotted.
Thus reports are that the film maker had no choice but to approach the high court. The court bid the sheriff to take charge and attach two of the stars properties in order to recover the amount of compensation that the film maker demanded.
It was on the directives of the court that the sheriff attached the actor’s property in Mumbai. His flat in a prominent area of the city has an attachment notice pasted outside. Reportedly his office too stands a chance of being put under the attachment if required.
However the star has 30 days for the entire procedure to be taken care of by his lawyer based on the type of directive passed by the court. It remains to be seen what course of action is taken by the Dutt camp on this issue.


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