Few days back Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor was facing all the attacks following her presence on ‘Koffee With Karan’, the doting father Anil Kapoor has finally come out in support of her daughter.
However Anil has asked Rishi to take things easy as according what so ever is said on a show are mere a source of entertainment and nothing else.
Anil Kapoor also reacted to Sonam’s Aisha co-star, Abhay Deol, criticising the film in the media. “In my career, I’ve seen many actors speak out at the wrong time and regret their words later. It’s better to pick up the phone and talk it out than go to the media. Abhay will be fine and know better in two-three years,” he says.
Anil describes his own share of experience saying that he has been made butt of all jokes in several award functions from Boman Irani and Ritesh Deshmukh to Shahrukh Khan. But he always maintained his peace of mind and took things lightly and sportingly.
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